What if my name is already taken?

Last updated: Apr 24th, 2024

There are currently over 12 million Handshake names registered, so the reality is many of the names you want, will already be registered.

This does not mean you can't find awesome names.

Many of the names that have been registered are available on the secondary market. a great tool to see if a name is available or being sold is niami/.

If the owner of a name is not selling it, you can try different variations such as:

  • .first/
  • .last/
  • .firstlast/

You can also be creative with domain hacks like:

  • sa.rah/
  • .aifos/

If your unable to find a top-level domain you like, you can also register a second-level domain.

  • ryan.c/
  • matt.forever/
  • johndoe.hey/

In conclusion, it may be difficult to find the name you want, but there are many options available at any price point.

Looks like Handshake is not configured in your browser.
Enable it using:


Menubar app, by Impervious


DNS resolver, by Namebase

Bob Extension

Bob Wallet Chrome Extension


iOS app, by Eskimo Software

Once enabled, visit https://dir.ectory/