
Thank you for visiting the Handshake Directory.

Here you can find info about websites that use or support the Handshake Naming System, organized by category.

Developed by Ryan Moon using Nuxt.js. The source code is freely available with a GPL 3.0 licence on Github.

This project is proudly supported by Open Systems

Want to add your website to the directory? Visit the 'Submit Site' page to learn how.

Website Priority

Our directory uses a ranking system to decide the order in which websites are displayed.

1. Hosted on Handshake

Is the website hosted using a Handshake TLD? (extra kudos if website is available exclusively on Handshake)

2. Secure/SSL

Does the website have a secure connection?

3. Quality of website/Effort made

Was the design well thought out, does the content provide great benefit to it's users, and has the website been updated recently?

4. Open Source/Free Software

Is the source code freely available?

5. Userbase

Does the website have a large userbase?

Contact us

Think something is missing or have a suggestion? Email support@hns.directory with your proposal or suggestion.

Looks like Handshake is not configured in your browser.
Enable it using:


Menubar app, by Impervious


DNS resolver, by Namebase

Bob Extension

Bob Wallet Chrome Extension


iOS app, by Eskimo Software

Once enabled, visit https://dir.ectory/